評分:0, 年:0, 月:0, 週:0, 日:0, [+1 / -1] 最後更新:2020-01-30 07:55:51
謝謝爸爸,謝謝媽媽,女兒對不起您們,但女兒會努力做好,學習當一個您們想要我做的,人溺己溺同理心去愛去關心身邊的人不管是哪一國的人不管是哪個種族我要學習爸爸教我的,To be a globalist To understand what is going on in the world, I feel so honored to be able to be your daughter and friend, You always teach me how to speak truth to myself from my heart and to be brave of what’s going on in the world, I just want to say thank you daddy I love you so much and I’m so grateful to have a family like you and mommy and David, my brother,Thank you thank you for always being there to support me regardless of what kind of crazy world this is !
I’ll never forget the words you always constantly reminding me through out all these years:言多必失
姐姐懂了 弟弟你比我更有智慧!謝謝你們 我最愛的家人~我希望自己的言行舉止不要影響到我最敬愛親愛的家人,女兒會用時間來證明自己,也用時間來逞罰自己,不讓你們任何ㄧ人蒙羞