[]Second Life 第二人生 x1B5bSNA ID:NenTlvMY 17/11/14(二)12:03 No.36568
評分:1, 年:1, 月:1, 週:1, 日:1, [+1 / -1] 最後更新:2021-10-01 07:54:45

當初我會加入Second Life就是因為看到NUt3PnYM開的串


如今依舊是朋友,會一起玩Second Life


現在我們也計畫把我的女友變成一隻黑貓塞進Second Life裡了




無名氏: (゚∀。)ノ゛要改的東西太多了,就改天吧。 (jzjACZe6 17/11/14 13:06)
無名氏: 宅氣沖天 (qqx6YFW. 17/11/14 13:09)
無名氏: (´_ゝ`)<其實sl就是要看人與人的故事,我一開始還挺有興趣的,但你文章太冗長又沒重點又狂刪 (STHktQiY 17/11/14 20:00)
無名氏: (´_ゝ`)<變成連回應都懶了,你文章整理一下再po吧 (STHktQiY 17/11/14 20:01)
無名氏: (´・ω・`)<這感言超像seafood信徒的... (C/jrVXMM 17/11/14 22:02)
無名氏: (゚∀。)要改的東西太多了,就改天吧+1 (Ythy0lbw 17/11/14 22:22)
無名氏: 我等你的文,結果看到好久沒更新還以為斷了 (moI1oQWs 17/11/15 00:39)
無名氏: 你現在才來跟我跳過最有趣的地方 (moI1oQWs 17/11/15 00:49)
無名氏: 其實我比較感興趣的地方是你怎麼制裁那隻貓娘.. (.v.3Uyac 17/11/15 02:58)
無名氏: (・_ゝ・)。o0所以其實狐娘還不是和貓娘一樣用你的錢…只差在你比較喜歡狐娘而已 (ABrAsCWw 17/11/15 07:39)
無名氏: (゚∀。)。o0老實說文太長、沒重點,這些就算了;刪刪改改太多次,還一直頂上來,才是最煩的地方 (fgghwzeM 17/11/15 11:43)
x1B5bSNA: 我是在詳述發生了什麼事,不是在寫峰迴路轉只有重點畫面的小說 (FAWd0cqE 17/11/15 14:57)
x1B5bSNA: 刪刪改改兩三次你就嫌煩,那我也沒辦法(聳肩) (FAWd0cqE 17/11/15 14:58)
x1B5bSNA: 狐娘跟貓娘不一樣,從來沒有暗示我說缺錢或怎樣,當初項圈還是她自己掏錢買給我的 (FAWd0cqE 17/11/15 15:09)
無名氏: 如果你是很在意文章內容錯誤要經常修改,你可以用文字檔傳到你個人空間 (Y.fDvb.U 17/11/15 16:23)
無名氏: 然後用簡略敘述內容和附上網址就可以了,反正空間上下載多少次,改多少遍次都沒問題 (Y.fDvb.U 17/11/15 16:25)
無名氏: 這樣簡潔又美觀,想看的點一下就好,不看的又不用滾過你的文章,雙贏 (Y.fDvb.U 17/11/15 16:27)
無名氏: 如果你覺得很重要、很重視的事情,為什麼需要一再刪改,而不一次到位? (.94xotm2 17/11/15 18:15)
無名氏: 而且連sage都不會用;是你自己汙辱了這段故事,怎麼能怨別人沒耐心? (.94xotm2 17/11/15 18:16)
無名氏: (*´ω`*)<結論:噁心 (N.H8VI1g 17/11/15 18:19)
無名氏: (´・ω・`)。o0自己不重視、不珍惜,還要別人重視、珍惜,難怪別人施捨幸福 (vY42TkEA 17/11/15 18:34)
無名氏: 我記得人外版很寬容啊...能搞成這副德性也是種才能了... (fTLU0DHE 17/11/15 18:48)
無名氏: 現在就像是借物賽跑中抽到"傲嬌",結果還真的找來一個傲嬌一樣,所以我們這些裁判才會:嘖,過去吧 (nniSiXD6 17/11/15 22:03)
無名氏: 原PO辛苦了,居然被獸廚亂串 (malN0U/E 17/11/17 13:02)
無名氏: (´・ω・`)。o0其實看不出來獸廚在哪裡... (BBx5vi.g 17/11/17 13:47)
無名氏: (╬゚д゚)ノシ真的想幫原PO,就把『無視』點高來,一直戰,也只是變成廚的一員 (NVzwkMJw 17/11/17 13:52)
無名氏: (゚∀゚)<你今晚等我下班給我好好解釋什麼叫她填滿了你內心的空洞 (bImIWgwY 17/11/17 14:10)
無名氏: 大家基本上只是因為你一直刪改所以才想說等你貼完才留言,結果你反而嫌大家沒興趣 (5I6lgqSE 17/11/18 10:52)
無名氏: 這種事情是互相的,大多數人也只是要你整理好再發,結果你整個言詞用的很激烈把所有人都拖下水一起罵 (5I6lgqSE 17/11/18 10:54)
無名氏: 這要誰會高興啊?我可以理解你的心情但你真的要學一下說話的藝術 (5I6lgqSE 17/11/18 10:56)
無名氏: ・゚(ノд`゚)樓上太中肯了… (qykf2Luc 17/11/18 13:27)
無名氏: 不好意思,沒在玩sl,但是由很久以前就想問了。玩sl是不是會令人腦子壞掉、分不清現實和虛擬…… (zrmZZRwk 17/11/20 11:43)
無名氏: 不會,就只是強調角色扮演而已,相當於DnD那樣子的投入. (tKJBHNrM 17/11/20 16:16)
無名氏: 沒錯,不會燒腦子。遊戲關掉你還是得面對現實生活,只有遊戲打開你才會想投入。 (5uCnY2x2 17/11/23 10:06)
無標題 無名氏 ID:OiU4ZgIg 17/11/15(三)19:14 No.36570







無名氏: (*゚∇゚)ノシ拉完屎就跑了~~慢走不送~~別又跳出來啊~~回你幻想中的外國論台吧(笑 (9hnLLCrQ 17/11/15 20:03)
無名氏: 我是真的覺得你很有才能啊...不過要怎麼解讀是你的自由啦... (fTLU0DHE 17/11/15 20:10)
無名氏: 原本那串是有想回的,但是看你常常刪,想說先放一陣子,結果卻… (2oGIT.Yc 17/11/15 20:42)
無名氏: 在ptt也被嫌噁臭還敢說,快滾吧w (esrBuAaE 17/11/15 22:32)
無名氏: 只是想要別人讚美,說你好棒棒嘛,那就躲回渣圈圈、同溫層裡面啊 (CSINjlxg 17/11/15 23:05)
無名氏: 慢走不送,發文只為了要別人讚賞的話去找要註冊的論壇比較好 (ZbQveLaw 17/11/15 23:27)
無名氏: 我是覺得在一個暱名板尋求贊賞肯定是搞錯了甚麼,K島風氣象來較偏激,也請不要一個K島當一個台灣看 (.v.3Uyac 17/11/15 23:38)
無名氏: 暱>匿,象>向 (.v.3Uyac 17/11/15 23:41)
無名氏: (*゚ー゚)。o0熬夜三天每晚只睡不到三小時才獲得這段幸福(笑) (UyYXWFd. 17/11/16 01:03)
無名氏: (・_ゝ・)<前面「自己像天降騎士一制裁邪惡的人」、後面「不知是不是酸民抱著忌妒心情批評」…很明顯自視過高自我中心 (q2bycfBM 17/11/16 01:06)
無名氏: 老實說也沒啥人會嫉妒吧?大多只是抱著看戲的心態看文,你覺得幸福就好啊可是其他人根本無所謂 (q2bycfBM 17/11/16 01:15)
無名氏: 情況就像一個喜歡吃辣的人看到一個人吃酸吃得很爽…你覺得他會嫉妒?我覺得你這樣想真是自我中心 (q2bycfBM 17/11/16 01:17)
無名氏: 整串文我總覺得只是看到一個過早就決定信誰的人,速食地信了一個不認識的人來把一開始幫自己的害慘的故事 (q2bycfBM 17/11/16 01:21)
無名氏: 你進遊戲七天,狐娘隨便講個你無法求證的故事你就當真,然後把人害掉,然後還自己的人生賭在這邊… (q2bycfBM 17/11/16 01:25)
無名氏: 我很難說這有啥值得嫉妒的,起碼不論現實還是網上,七天內要我完全信任一個人根本是自殺行為 (q2bycfBM 17/11/16 01:26)
無名氏: (╬゚д゚)。o0你覺得幸福…乾我屁事啊?我只看到一個狂刪文、不sage、一直頂的渾球 (Hw3Bq3LI 17/11/16 01:55)
無名氏: (╬゚д゚)。o0啊,不是覺得大家不回你,很寂寞,所以開這篇?這麼熱烈你又不爽?有什麼好不爽啦 (Hw3Bq3LI 17/11/16 01:56)
無名氏: (╬゚д゚)。o0一直刪了又發,發了又刪,是要別人怎麼回應你?最後還特地開一串來自我滿足? (Hw3Bq3LI 17/11/16 01:58)
無名氏: (╬゚д゚)。o0別回來最好,反正你想要的根本不是別人的回應!繼續躲在自己的圈圈裡幸福吧! (Hw3Bq3LI 17/11/16 02:00)
無名氏: PTT那邊明顯是原PO跟獸甲扯到獸甲亂交議題戰起來才臭,你們可以繼續亂帶風向 (DY1qr0OM 17/11/16 10:55)
無名氏: 我看搞不好這邊就是有PTT獸甲看到原PO提到K島人外板,所以才跑過來亂吧wwwww (DY1qr0OM 17/11/16 11:00)
無名氏: (*゚∇゚)ノシ醒醒吧!其實你也在亂帶風向! (QEMO6pCE 17/11/16 12:28)
無名氏: …呃,我是沒去過什麼PTT啦,只看到這個版上有個狂刪狂推,搞到沒人敢留言,又特地開一串來自我滿足的傢 (w6yOLtjU 17/11/16 12:39)
無名氏: …的傢伙,我不知道為什麼這會和獸甲扯上關係啦,反正那都不是人外版的事吧? (w6yOLtjU 17/11/16 12:42)
無名氏: …話說有這麼多讚賞原PO的人,為何不在他開串前就去關心?等到他都不想講了再說都是你們的錯,有意義嗎? (w6yOLtjU 17/11/16 12:50)
無名氏: …我記得在特地開新串前也沒人抨擊他吧?別告訴我這樣也叫帶風向啊? (w6yOLtjU 17/11/16 12:56)
無名氏: 那就看這篇推文誰第一個提到PTT啊...... (DY1qr0OM 17/11/16 13:19)
無名氏: 請問原PO刪文重發的時候是有砍到你推文嗎??不然w6yOLtjU你到底一直在這裡廚個什麼勁?? (DY1qr0OM 17/11/16 13:25)
無名氏: 私以為這裡每天新文章數量少到哭夭, 他沒用sage又礙到誰了??自己不喜歡看就往下滑啊 (DY1qr0OM 17/11/16 13:30)
無名氏: …講事實就叫廚,我也沒辦法啦,然後確實是有砍到我的推文啊 (w6yOLtjU 17/11/16 13:31)
無名氏: 那你說過哪些話被砍掉?? (DY1qr0OM 17/11/16 13:52)
無名氏: 那你說說你哪些話被砍掉?? 還有講不講實話跟廚不廚根本沒關係, 重點是你的態度 (DY1qr0OM 17/11/16 13:53)
無名氏: …你還要我拍照存證唷?如果知道他會刪,我連留言都懶好嗎? (w6yOLtjU 17/11/16 13:56)
無名氏: …你去糾舉人態度也不看看原PO態度怎麼樣,他有在乎過回應者嗎?為何別人要在乎他? (w6yOLtjU 17/11/16 13:57)
無名氏: …甚至是人外版的其他使用者,他不斷把重複的文頂上,不sage,你認為有在乎過嗎? (w6yOLtjU 17/11/16 13:59)
無名氏: ⊂彡☆))∀`)<好啦!大家別吵啦!全部都是我的人格,乖,別吵架! (jnRoH5nU 17/11/16 14:00)
無名氏: ⊂彡☆))∀`)<別吵誰是廚了!再吵的就是廚,OK? (jnRoH5nU 17/11/16 14:02)
無名氏: 好, 以上推文全部一人自演, 大家辛苦了 (DY1qr0OM 17/11/16 15:12)
無名氏: (((゚д゚)))雖然是大家...卻是一個人嗎,感覺很玄! (W9ZiMhoA 17/11/16 15:31)
無名氏: …我也是你,你也是我,沒想到會在這裡遇上丟失的自我 (w6yOLtjU 17/11/16 15:47)
無名氏: (*゚∇゚)。o0第一次看到這麼歡樂地宣布自演! (WdRX0HG. 17/11/16 16:01)
無名氏: (*゚∀゚*)樓上我笑什麼笑,我也在自演啦 (goozdqSA 17/11/17 01:42)
無名氏: 另一個我,甚麼時候決鬥啊? (WQ30vZjY 17/11/17 02:29)
無名氏: 我啊,來黑暗遊戲吧 (goozdqSA 17/11/17 09:24)
無名氏: (゚∀゚)<準備 主要 召喚博士 博士效果(略 有鐘擺或稻草人嗎? (IIVjfzBE 17/11/17 09:57)
無名氏: (・_ゝ・)<...我沒有鐘擺或稻草人... (malN0U/E 17/11/17 13:05)
無名氏: ・゚(ノд`゚)我討厭我啊,連打過牌也要欺負我 (goozdqSA 17/11/17 14:13)
無標題 無名氏 ID:eDFTzmqA 17/11/16(四)06:54 No.36571
回覆: >>36572
無名氏: (´∀`)。o0去找那個夢幻的外國毛毛論壇來看啊 (bkTsR8YA 17/11/16 08:36)
無標題 無名氏 ID:YrUMNKyE 17/11/16(四)08:26 No.36572

無名氏: (´゚д゚`)!仔細想想為什麼不一開始丟英文連結就好…? (Hw3Bq3LI 17/11/16 08:59)
無名氏: …其實大家都自認老大吧?無論是推文的傢伙、原PO、我或是你 (nCByiXcY 17/11/16 09:12)
無名氏: (´_ゝ`)自演乙 (1rI76s5s 17/11/16 09:43)
無名氏: (゚∀゚)其實K島就只有我跟你(ry (9aDY8S7A 17/11/16 09:46)
無名氏: (*゚∇゚)其實我就是你 (ZTL3ks3U 17/11/16 09:54)
無名氏: …原來所有人都是我的自演!我還太嫩了呢 (nCByiXcY 17/11/16 10:00)
無名氏: (゚∀。)人外版本來就跟925以前的朋友版一樣和平 說啥鬼話 (XMSxRSFw 17/11/16 10:00)
無名氏: (ノ゚∀゚)ノ所謂的終極的自演,就是我自身化為自演這件事。 (kOGBdfaU 17/11/16 10:05)
無名氏: 我們其實都是二重幻影,講話時只保留括號內的ID和日期不是常識嗎? (oHadIJZw 17/11/16 10:12)
無名氏: (((゚д゚)))華生!!!你突破盲點了!!!原來一切都是幻覺!!! (QEMO6pCE 17/11/16 10:18)
無名氏: ゚∀゚)ノ<我就是你,你就是我! (k8uJx9GQ 17/11/16 10:38)
無名氏: (゚∀。)<想到腦內有28個活繃亂跳的人格,感覺....超興奮der~ (bkTsR8YA 17/11/16 10:47)
無名氏: (´_ゝ`)一即為全 全即為一 阿彌陀佛 (ofmSW/Ac 17/11/16 12:27)
無名氏: …原來全部都是我的自演,我沒察覺這個事實,道行果然太淺,還要我來指出實在丟臉 (w6yOLtjU 17/11/16 12:45)
無名氏: ⊂彡☆))∀`)<你發現的太遲...更正:是我發現的太遲了! (jnRoH5nU 17/11/16 14:01)
無名氏: (゚∀。)ノミMighty Brothers XX!!! (XMSxRSFw 17/11/16 14:52)
無名氏: (´・ω・`)這串看著看著突然就頓悟了!!!! (VKwNZXJk 17/11/16 14:58)
SAGE <a href="mailto:SAGE">無名氏</a> ID:td0x2bWE 17/11/16(四)21:40 No.36582
無名氏: 你不想看後續不代表別人不想看 低能兒 (YrUMNKyE 17/11/16 22:06)
無名氏: (´,_ゝ`)<你想看不代表每個人都想看,低能兒 (Ycds12zQ 17/11/17 06:37)
無名氏: 不想看可以自己拉下去,不必跑來別人的串發廢圖,低能兒 (malN0U/E 17/11/17 09:53)
無名氏: 沒後續?去找原PO啊,是他自己要斷尾的,怪別人唷? (paFzRgeI 17/11/17 11:32)
無名氏: (´,_ゝ`)<說別人不無視,自己不也不無視嗎?不然怎麼不無視這張圖呢? (iARTm9Nw 17/11/17 11:40)
無名氏: 跑到別人的串貼跟主題不相干的圖還這麼大聲?不好意思你們這樣就叫做耍廚 (malN0U/E 17/11/17 13:01)
無名氏: 不就是你們這些廚耍廚耍到原PO要讓心情平復嗎?搶匪搶銀行還怪銀行警衛沒阻止他呢 (malN0U/E 17/11/17 13:03)
無名氏: 前一串有人耍廚嗎?我怎麼沒看到?他自己不想講,這也可以怪到別人頭上? (iARTm9Nw 17/11/17 13:18)
無名氏: 話說上一串他也是發在別人的串底下呢~還又推又刪的,不sage,一直頂~ (iARTm9Nw 17/11/17 13:20)
無名氏: 用你的標準,他耍廚耍的還真兇啊? (iARTm9Nw 17/11/17 13:20)
無名氏: ⊂彡☆))∀`)<又冒出一堆新人格了,乖,別吵架唷 (ULobyo9A 17/11/17 13:23)
無名氏: (゚∀゚)<我也很期待新篇出來,可是K島就有偏激廚啊,短片有西瓜,超常有智障,布袋有放矢,說到底是原PO玻璃心. (WQ30vZjY 17/11/17 13:29)
無名氏: (´・ω・`)。o0期待的話,前一篇就該踴躍留言啊.... (zmIc1Bds 17/11/17 13:46)
無名氏: 因為連在意的推文都是自演阿 (alZoxDkg 17/11/17 15:08)
無名氏: (゚∀゚)o彡゚連在意的推文都是自演 (alZoxDkg 17/11/17 15:08)
無標題 無名氏 ID:bImIWgwY 17/11/17(五)20:14 No.36585













無名氏: (*゚∇゚)。o0醒醒吧!你也是我的自演! (fGn8TJYw 17/11/17 20:51)
無名氏: (ノ゚∀゚)ノ別怕!其實這個版其實只有一個人!不信我換ID給你看! (NVzwkMJw 17/11/17 20:57)
無名氏: (´,_ゝ`)凸通篇噁心YY腦補 婊你只是剛好而已 難道這麼神聖高貴都不容質疑與批評 (TMct7tBU 17/11/17 21:02)
無名氏: (゚3゚)<不爽你一直頂不是怕其他文被洗到下面,單純是不想看到這篇都在自演還擋在最上面 (7bH6KK02 17/11/17 21:15)
無名氏: 創作畫圖就算了 發這些連文章都稱不上的性幻想 (/xFq64eQ 17/11/17 21:21)
無名氏: 說到底這裡是人外版不是你的fb 你文章的內容我就不吐嘈了 到別的地方發文吧 (/xFq64eQ 17/11/17 21:23)
無名氏: …你爽就好,反正你都是對的,你都是受害者;還虧這麼多人幫你說話,這篇根本醜態表露無遺 (9eHcBMYA 17/11/17 21:24)
無名氏: 原本想要支持 看了這篇 徹底改觀 老實說你還是別貼上來的好 (QLs3dw4U 17/11/17 21:29)
無名氏: 被拆穿就爆氣了還假裝自己本來是支持者。好吧,我承認以上全部都是我在自演 (bImIWgwY 17/11/17 22:44)
無名氏: 這篇才真是讓酸廚的嘴臉表露無遺啊...「我看你不爽,所以你就滾」 (bImIWgwY 17/11/17 22:48)
無名氏: 你不信我等一下就換個IP上來當酸廚給你看 (bImIWgwY 17/11/17 23:04)
無名氏: (´_ゝ`)不是說要滾說的很乾脆?又回來耍廚啦?繼續推唷 (UC2LncSc 17/11/17 23:05)
無名氏: …繼續自我滿足吧,精神勝利法很容易,你覺得幸福就好,反正其他人都是廚,也不想想為什麼被討厭 (9eHcBMYA 17/11/17 23:09)
無名氏: (゚∀。)。o0好不容易平息,又來人外版放把火.... (PHwF/iuI 17/11/17 23:18)
無名氏: 我就自演精神勝利酸廚罵我自己精神勝利,然後再換回IP。看,很簡單吧? (bImIWgwY 17/11/17 23:23)
無名氏: (;゚д゚)?我看前面大家的自演推文很歡樂啊...為什麼你要覺得大家是在針對你? (Q7uNAE36 17/11/17 23:28)
無名氏: (;゚д゚)?每個人都放下心中的立場,承認只是人外版的一份子,只是因為喜歡人外版才會起衝突,最後放下爭鬥 (Q7uNAE36 17/11/17 23:30)
無名氏: (;゚д゚)沒有必要覺得大家都是想找你麻煩吧...我們都是人外版的一份子,不是嗎? (Q7uNAE36 17/11/17 23:33)
無名氏: |д゚)我相信人外版的大家...都是喜歡人外版的!!!! (Wk8ftK9o 17/11/18 00:51)
無名氏: (´,_ゝ`)<我喜歡人外版,但我不喜歡神經病,尤其是喜歡跑到你面前拉屎還嗆說嫌臭不要聞的神經病 (dqPoxxRc 17/11/18 02:03)
無名氏: 別說的那麼直白,不然某人又要狂推狂刪了… (F4Z5GO8. 17/11/18 08:20)
無名氏: 沒辦法,就像個山霸王,只能祈禱他不要發作,誰知道會不會連其他串都遭殃? (f4KA5da6 17/11/18 09:03)
無名氏: 以上一人自演結束,大家辛苦了 (wqAdpdqw 17/11/18 09:36)
無名氏: (ゝ∀・)醒醒吧!你也是自演 (uN/VC9/o 17/11/18 10:53)
無名氏: 以下一人自演結束,大家辛苦了 (MuLyUPBQ 17/11/18 10:56)
無名氏: (・_ゝ・)。o0「(前略)你們就他媽的欺善怕惡變本加厲騎到我頭上來了」你甚麼時候有了島民本來會在怕惡的錯覺? (GnRFwUY2 17/11/18 15:27)
無名氏: (・_ゝ・)。o0你去管理部看看 島民連架網站的管理員都在嗆 你覺得有人會怕惡?之前是沒看清你是智障才跟你講人話而已 (GnRFwUY2 17/11/18 15:29)
無名氏: (・_ゝ・)。o0說騎到你頭上就更好笑 島上生態本來就這樣 而騎到頭上這種話潛意識就是建立在「我比你們地位高」才會講的 (GnRFwUY2 17/11/18 15:33)
無名氏: (・_ゝ・)。o0自大也拜託有個限度 不要被自己腦裡自以為的虛假幸福感衝昏頭腦 多換幾個角度思考會對你有好處 (GnRFwUY2 17/11/18 15:36)
無名氏: (・_ゝ・)。o0而你到底是有甚麼問題才能講得出那段「我能把貓娘害慘所以我很強,你們不準惹我」的話來啊? (GnRFwUY2 17/11/18 15:38)
無名氏: 以上一人自演結束,大家辛苦了 (wqAdpdqw 17/11/18 20:18)
無標題 無名氏 ID:wqAdpdqw 17/11/18(六)09:37 No.36596
At the first time I went into the game, I didn't know how to build avatars or what I should do, so I went to the biggest furry club in SL which is called YIFF. At there my eyes were caught by a beautiful white cat girl who was DJing on the stage. I asked her for help, and she was willing to do that and told me what to buy for my first avatar. She helped me to build my avatar, a black wolf femboy furry who was not like me in RL at all, which still made me so touched and respect her. However, if I only met her, I would have quit SL in a week and *****ing cursed the world everyday.

During the first week I wanted to meet more furry girls in the club, but the white cat just kept asking me to strip dance in clubs and I didn't know why. Then I realized she wanted me to get more tips for her scam plan as a worker to donate her.

I love foxy girls the most, so I met a orange fox who is the most beautiful avatar I have ever seen in SL so far in YIFF on Halloween and her birthday, and we became good friends, who now is my one and only one Goddess. At that moment I just respected the white cat, but one day she asked me to be her pet. She said she is a herm at the first moment we met, and she told my old femboy avatar she built for me that if I became her pet, all of my body would be taken care of. I felt very weird but I thought the femboy did need to try new things before having a loyal partner.
無標題 無名氏 ID:wqAdpdqw 17/11/18(六)09:38 No.36597
This is where the nightmare began. I accepted it, and we *****ed each other two times in just two days in which only her mouth is spared. After the second sex, she kept mentioning that she needed 1100 dollar of the game which is called L$ to deal with a business before a deadline. I was so thankful to her that she helped me to join the furry fandom of SL, then I said I could lend you but you shall pay back after you earn them back without deadline. Then she replied weirdly, "What if I forget it?" I didn't think too much. Then I said "You can just remember to buy some cloth which I like on you, such as black stockings. It would be a payback for me." However, just some seconds after giving her 1100 L$, the orange fox yelled at me by a private message when she was in YIFF, too.

I thought "Oh *****! There is something wrong!"

"Yes, like I mentioned yesterday?"

And the interesting fact was that right before that moment the sexy orange foxy lady already knew that I had a crush on her, but she didn't try to keep distance from me.

I knew she was a good and friendly person who was willing to teach me so many things. That's why I chose to believe the orange fox since I know how kind her heart was. This is where the greatest part of the story going to begin. Later the orange fox and I met in her room, where she told me that the white cat is a problematic one on furry relationships in SL. The white cat enjoys manipulating others' heart and inducing them to give her money willingly. Every time when others caught her and asked how she could, she only said "You requested, I received." "Why I didn't buy L$ by credit cards? Oh, it's because I don't spend money on games. xD"
無標題 無名氏 ID:wqAdpdqw 17/11/18(六)09:40 No.36598
Then the orange fox told me that there was one friend of hers both in RL and SL, who was once a friend of the white cat in SL, too. They are both herms at that time and worked together in another furry club called Liquid Moon. These two herms had sex for several times, but later they were not so close like before. However, the white cat used the same method on her friend to get 500 L$ to buy a sexual organ of PisCorp and just deleted her friend from her friend list, while they never used it together.

One day, the white cat became the host of a big event of Liquid Moon, and her friend was in staff, too. Before one important meeting, the white cat intentionally ignored to inform the time of the meeting to her friend, then kicked her out of the staff. Every time when others asked this, she only replied with "Read above". Meanwhile, she blocked all people standing on her friend's side.

Then I realized that I was played, but I decided not to leave right away. As the game franchise Assassin's Creed taught me, I chose to work in the dark and not to let her know anything about the orange fox since she already blocked her. I would like to be an true Assassin in this mind game and her pain in her ass in RL. Later I did it. I met some people hating the white cat and we worked together to ruin her life in SL. She paid 1100 L$ to me and 500 L$ to her friend back in the end, and she just moved her life to another black boy wolf account.

At the next day when I saw the white cat online, the first thing I did was to ask that whether she was okay or not. Did she handle the business well since I gave her my 1100 L$? She lied to me that she needed this 1100 L$ because a guy she owed 550 L$ about 4 months ago just threatened her that if she didn't pay double back before the deadline, the guy would report her until she got banned forever from SL just because the guy knew a secret of hers. What a lie to a newbie.
無標題 無名氏 ID:wqAdpdqw 17/11/18(六)09:40 No.36599
The white cat is a Russian working in England. Meanwhile another new account who was just two days old and looked like a black boy wolf with the same skin as mine suddenly showed up in front of me, and the white cat said she needed to go to the store for three hours. Then the black wolf told me many things, like he was a friend of the white cat in RL in England, and she told him about me. It was at that moment...my left respect for her all turned into rage and hatred. The only thought in my mind was "You mother *****er Russian living in England used another male avatar to dig out the inner thoughts of a straight person who respected you so much?" Right at that moment, I truly became an Assassin. I pretended not knowing that he was a liar and kept playing as an actor with him.

I told the orange fox all of this and I went to sleep. Four hours later when I woke up, I checked my avatar who was AFK at the 2nd floor of YIFF club. Then I saw another new avatar who was also 2 days old too laying in front of me on the sofa, a red panda with very old avatar components. I was considering that this could be another avatar of that *****er to test me, but it turned out to be true that the red panda is another individual since her way of talking and preference were all different from that Russian *****er.

I wanted to help her so I did a decision that even today I don't know it was wrong or right. I BROUGHT THE RED PANDA TO THE WHITE CAT TO GET A LIST OF WHAT TO BUY TO BUILD A NEW AVATAR SHE WOULD LIKE. Because I thought it would have been all fine if I just told her not to give the white cat any money and I did it. Now the red panda is still in my friend list but I suspected she to be a spy on me because she thought the white cat and the white cat's wife were her mothers. I guess she once reported all what I said to her mother.
無標題 無名氏 ID:wqAdpdqw 17/11/18(六)09:41 No.36600
Later I proposed to the orange fox when she invited me to a place for selling furniture with adult RP animation, because I thought she was giving me the hint that she just hadn't rejected my love, and she questioned me with so many questions like she was testing a husband in the future. I now realized at that moment she was testing me, indeed, but she wanted me to know a big secret of her and checked whether I could accept it or not. That secret of the orange fox is that she was 4 months old in SL and had two loyal partners before, but both of them just asked to leave her in one month. Then she said she will never go into the loyal partner thing. She chose some of her friends who passed through most of her requirements that she could have sex with into a picky list, but she wouldn't ask them to mate with her unless her friends met the requirement went to her and the atmosphere was correct.

Sooner or later I told the red panda what I've been through because there was no other one I could talk with, and the red panda seemed to be a good listener. However, now I think that poor red panda was already infected by the white cat's poison and became her daughter at that moment. I didn't tell her who the fox was, but only told her the story above like I am telling you now. Meanwhile, the white cat was poking me, I pretended to be AFK but the white cat just caught me like there was a reporter in front of me. Then I put my hood on like an Assassin again. I was acting in front of them all. The white cat, the red panda and the white cat's dear wife, who later just left the white cat because of me.
無標題 無名氏 ID:wqAdpdqw 17/11/18(六)09:42 No.36601
The next day I went to the orange fox again. I just wanted to tell her things about the red panda. During the conversation that *****ing white cat messaged me, in which she said that she didn't mind I love the red panda more than her at that moment, but she wanted to let me know that her male avatar just had sex with the red panda in less an hour after they met, and she wanted me to make friends with her male avatar and let him teach me how to get girls. By the way, they knew another girl who was in SL and single and this was a precious chance in which I should make choice quickly since she won't wait for anybody. Of course, she won't let anything happen between me and her daughter red panda.

At that time I was just like "......what?" because the red panda told me she was demisexual and a trans at the first time we met even though later she decided to be a female in the game. As we know, a demisexual is a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone. So after a long "what?" I was thinking like this, "Do you mother *****ers realize you were just insulting all demisexual people on earth that you demisexual red panda just had sex with a man you know who wass your mother actually in less an hour? Disgusting!" Under this circumstance how could she say she is a demisexual? Was I looking like a dumbass all the time?

Later my plan was clear. I decided on what I shall do. I've set up some goals to achieve. First, I needed to revenge for all people hurt by the white cat and for justice. Second, I will stop her from manipulating more furry newbies of SL. And I am proud to tell you that I DID THEM BOTH. I built a hell for her, I showed her how the hell was, and I guided her to the hell.
無標題 無名氏 ID:wqAdpdqw 17/11/18(六)09:43 No.36603
Now there is no one she can talk with if her dear important herm wife shared no crime with her. Her wife is the most important treasure for her. Maybe you know why I mention this? Let me ask a question first. Why can she keep doing this to people again and again? If you don't, I have the answer. Because it is just like what Assassin's Creed taught me, the white cat had nothing to fear, and didn't know what she may lose forever. This kind of person can hurt anyone in her path, but she would be the last one.

At that night I talked with the orange fox again, and I finally persuaded her that I will become her loyal official pet with my collar to prove that I will love her forever in SL, while she could keep being open like she used to be, which made her think that I was so sweet. My dream now is that I hope one day she can be my loyal partner when the scars of her heart are all healed. I was so happy that she accepted it and I am now her official pet, with my life becoming better and better in RL. I even make friends with my mentor and my supervisor at work, and now I go to work so happily everyday thanks to the fox lady. Still I want to be the one that fill the hole of her heart. She told me her heart was cold and dark when telling me her biggest secret. I now disagree on that. I think we both make each other's heart warm and shining now. She's just this kind of person.
無標題 無名氏 ID:wqAdpdqw 17/11/18(六)09:44 No.36604
Now the final part is here. HOW I RUINED THAT *****ER'S SECOND LIFE? I talked with the orange fox about some poems she wrote, in which a pregnant furry girl died because of getting betrayed by a furry man. During that conversation, she mentioned that she realized the most important thing in life is to know the rule "No one can be trusted." At that moment I thought oh no she was definitely hurt by someone. That was before her telling me her secret. I wanted to help her, so I tried to make her think deeper. Then I said you were correct but I should say it in a more correct way. I said it should be "Nothing is true; Everything is permitted." I didn't tell her that this creed is from a video game. Then she replied "Everything is permitted?"

I answered that "To say that nothing is true, is to realize that the foundations of communities and relationships are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own. To say that everything is permitted, is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic." Assassin's Creed is more than just a game for me in the past 10 years. All Assassins and all Templars in the game taught me the meaning of life with their different, unique, twitchy and touching stories.
無標題 無名氏 ID:wqAdpdqw 17/11/18(六)09:45 No.36605
After becoming her pet, I was so hyped even it was 4:00 am and I needed to wake up at 7:30 am to work as usual. She was worried about me on how to deal with the white cat. I just said don't worry, there is nothing the *****er could do and I was afraid of nothing thanks to the orange fox. Before my sleeping on bed, one of my Russian friend in SL who is asexaul but homosexual to his soulmate in SL told me that the white cat's male avatar was talking to him. "Do you want to say anything to her? I have them both on my friend list." Then I replied "Okay as follows. I will call her female name, his male name, the twist of furries and the worst actor in Second Life, and I send her regards!" Then he did it. We both laughed so loudly and could not wait to see the white cat's face.

Minutes after my becoming the sexy foxy lady's pet, the white cat messaged me. As I expected, she didn't want forgiveness and said those offending points of her views as I mentioned above. She was so used to it that she could still laugh so many times with "xD". At this moment I was too hyped because of my fox lady, so I came up with an idea in just five seconds! I would tell her some truth she already knew but she would complete the obscure part for me by herself, and I would make them all true later for sure.
無標題 無名氏 ID:wqAdpdqw 17/11/18(六)09:52 No.36607
"Hmm...fine. It's fine you keep doing this in the future. As we expected and just as what they told me, you will prove what kind of a person you are just by yourself."
"What? What do you mean? Who are THEY you are talking about!?"
"Hey, you should at least have used that 500 L$ sexual organ of PisCorp with your friend in Liquid Moon. You were so cold-blooded, love."
"What are you *****ing talking about!? Why do you know that in Liquid Moon!?"
"Do you know why you get fewer and fewer tips as a DJ recently? Oh, rumors spread fast. A group of people who feel disgusted when you are DJing on YIFF's stage are all happy to tell others what kind of person you are when they are boring or have nothing else to do."
"No! You are fcuking lying! xD"
"Calm down, darling, calm down. Oh yes of course I am lying. I DO hope you just keep doing things which you liked to do so much, because I am so looking forward to the next show, in which you are the main actor on the stage. Light, camera, action! XD"
"We will keep watching you, like Assassins who work in the dark. All furries you meet will be informed what kind of person you are, especially those newbie furries."
無標題 無名氏 ID:wqAdpdqw 17/11/18(六)09:59 No.36608
"We will let them decide by themselves that they should leave you or stay with you. YOU will be the one to prove what we said about you is all true or not."
"No, you are lying! Wait! You are the orange fox's pet!? You are the orange fox!? I know who you are!"
"Ha ha ha! Funny to guess who the new avatar is actually, right? I may be anyone you know, but it doesn't matter anymore. Let me finish my job of sending their messages to you, okay? Since I have only one job. By the way, they asked me to send your wife regards, too."
"What does that mean!?"
"I don't know. I am not interested in that part at all. XD. Well, since you once helped me, let me give you one more hint."
"What is that?"
"Do you know why I brought the red panda to you after knowing all of this? Because we were betting on you silly. XDDDDD. I guessed it should have been at least one day before your male avatar pulled your dick out to the red panda. How could you make me lose the bet so fast? XDDDDD. Okay, never see you~"
無標題 無名氏 ID:wqAdpdqw 17/11/18(六)10:01 No.36609
Hours later, she was so worried that she messaged me again.
"I still don't get it about the hint."
"We don't owe each other anything now. I won't talk on this topic with you in the future. If you want to do a confession of what you should not have done to the ones truly believed you, I will accept it."

She never messaged me again, but probably is still using the red panda to be a spy on me. This is where the story ends. The story between me and the evil Russian white cat furry. The white cat's wife has already left her, and she probably got fired from YIFF DJ Staff because of me. The orange fox's friend got her 500 L$ back, and my 1100 L$ was back, too. Now the red panda wants to hang out with me and the orange fox, and both of us are well prepared for all what can come.

Before all else, be armed. - Niccolo Machiavelli

This is how I became a Master Assassin and the pet, blood relative big brother, lover and husband of the orange fox with the new black man wolf avatar she built for me, which is closer to me in RL. The black femboy wolf is dead for good and I am reborn. From now on, my dream is that one day the orange fox can be my loyal partner and my story with her will continue.
無名氏: (|||゚д゚)<師爺!翻譯一下!! (BJ3Dfm1A 17/11/18 10:33)
無名氏: https://aqua.komica.org/f9/index.php (JRnC0Ijs 17/11/18 11:05)
無名氏: 以後到那邊發吧 這種東西明顯是錯版了 (JRnC0Ijs 17/11/18 14:01)
無名氏: 跟人外有關叫錯板? (wqAdpdqw 17/11/18 20:18)
無名氏: 跟人外有點關係不代表文章適合這個版 你想想自己在這串都發了些什麼 (JRnC0Ijs 17/11/18 21:12)
無名氏: 心得 日記 對網友的性幻想及謾罵 貼這些鬼東西怎麼沒錯版? (JRnC0Ijs 17/11/18 21:15)
無名氏: 完全沒錯板, 不需要作賊喊抓賊了, 很多是廚自討的 (izRUuzLU 17/11/19 09:12)
無名氏: 很多也不是性幻想吧,遊戲就是這樣玩的阿,還是說乾脆叫原PO不要貼文字,直接錄影算了 最沒爭議惹 (P6d5gxm2 17/11/19 11:24)
無名氏: 而且謾罵也不是原PO起頭的,某些自以為是先罵人,難道要原PO乖乖吞下去? (P6d5gxm2 17/11/19 11:25)
無名氏: 呃…有人建議他換個版貼,和很多是廚自找有什麼關係? (wh2zTV6E 17/11/19 11:38)
無名氏: 原PO只要回說:『謝謝您的建議,但我覺得這篇文和人外版有足夠的關連,想再觀察一下』 (wh2zTV6E 17/11/19 11:43)
無名氏: 而不是一句:『跟人外有關叫錯板?』…你是來找觀眾,不是來找人吵架的啊 (wh2zTV6E 17/11/19 11:44)
無名氏: 別人或許有錯,甚至錯的離譜,但反省別人對自己根本沒有幫助…不是嗎? (wh2zTV6E 17/11/19 11:46)
無名氏: 當然,您也可以無視我的建議,畢竟我也是在反省別人,只是你好不容易寫了這麼多文,若是又吵起來,不是很可 (wh2zTV6E 17/11/19 11:50)
無名氏: 不是很可惜嗎? (wh2zTV6E 17/11/19 11:50)
無名氏: (´・ω・`)其實兩邊都發也可以啊... (seE6HHj6 17/11/19 11:58)
無名氏: (゚∀。)<我猜會假借回文又自推一次!! (3f5sSM5g 17/11/19 12:06)
無名氏: (´_ゝ`)y━・~這篇不是人外相關,只是這篇文中有人外 (Vpdk3HQw 17/11/20 02:03)
無名氏: (|||゚д゚)<如果每個人、每款遊戲、每次心得都能開一串,那確實不太妙呢 (/l3s81aQ 17/11/20 10:04)
無名氏: 我覺得要看情況,如果文章有趣程度有三國志13那樣子倒可以接受. (tKJBHNrM 17/11/20 16:18)
原PO: 如果大家真的很想看中文翻譯版,我會找個週末翻譯完再一口氣貼上來 (fiJWkzK2 17/11/21 09:46)
更新一下目前遊戲進度 無名氏 ID:WqxGIRvk 17/11/22(三)19:53 No.36654





回到主題,當然我不想成為第二個叫做William Tallor的愛爾蘭水手或第二個日在校園的誠哥。

無名氏: (・_ゝ・)怎麼又推上來了 (k0AdD9RQ 17/11/22 20:08)
無名氏: 不行嗎 (wBY3Kxks 17/11/22 22:31)
無名氏: (´・ω・`)。o0其實英文就表達的很清楚了... (DAO8MxAA 17/11/22 22:39)
無名氏: 干我屁事 北七 (3qzf98XE 17/11/23 00:08)
無名氏: (・_ゝ・)所以這有多少人想看 (DoOGMK9A 17/11/23 00:19)
無名氏: |д゚)為什麼要英文貼一次中文又貼一次呢? (vkToc4ZQ 17/11/23 00:54)
無名氏: 真希望人外有收串功能 (vNvhO1lE 17/11/23 02:19)
無名氏: (゚∀゚)<希望沉串之後過一陣子再開新串,馬上開一定會被其他人酸 (jBN0NJPQ 17/11/23 02:20)
無標題 無名氏 ID:5uCnY2x2 17/11/23(四)10:13 No.36659
>干我屁事 北七
沒叫你看 北七




無名氏: 以在此板及貓管分別投訴, 要寫作請回寫作板或是你自己的部落格 (cdxfHHT2 17/11/23 10:33)
無名氏: 喔?莫非像隔壁第二人生串一樣附上角色圖片就沒事了?那簡單(笑) (5uCnY2x2 17/11/23 11:19)
無名氏: (´・ω・`)...那是因為這人外板的島民都挺自制的...沒有人認真耍廚 (8d5D7dp. 17/11/23 12:05)
無名氏: ・゚(ノд`゚)…只是覺得英文比較通順,表示的很清楚,不用勉強換成中文而已啊… (9bqklM7k 17/11/23 12:29)
無名氏: (・ー・)地圖砲到處掃... (v8BKmzq6 17/11/23 12:33)
無名氏: 繼續推上來丟人現眼?大歡迎!請繼續推~ (KDSa.V6E 17/11/23 12:45)
無名氏: (・ー・)所以到底是想找人鼓掌,還是想找人吵架?完全搞不懂 (fq9ug40w 17/11/23 13:00)
無名氏: (゚д゚)所以裡頭的錢還真的是真金白銀在流動喔!? (4A4/pfjs 17/11/23 13:15)
無名氏: 連支持者一起嗆在裡面,難怪沒人敢支持你… (.fae/G5A 17/11/23 13:30)
無名氏: …反正無視就好了 (TbJYEapo 17/11/23 13:37)
無名氏: 一起回應就叫做嗆支持者?我至少只有嗆那個罵我北七的,拜託腦洞不要開太大... (5uCnY2x2 17/11/23 14:13)
無名氏: ヽ(●´∀`●)ノ乖,大家別吵架了,都是人外板的一員阿 (HODd3jxs 17/11/23 14:22)
無名氏: 好吧,以上推文連我在內全部一人自演 (5uCnY2x2 17/11/23 14:26)
無標題 無名氏 ID:5uCnY2x2 17/11/23(四)14:25 No.36674







無名氏: 干我屁事 北七 (AS0ax19M 17/11/23 15:10)
無名氏: 原PO現實生活中應該沒啥朋友吧 感覺很難相處又有點過度反應欸 (/CsKYQJU 17/11/23 17:07)
無名氏: (・_ゝ・)這不是無視就能解決的問題,就我看來就只是貼一篇長到靠北的當你個版文 (8Fu3G8CE 17/11/23 17:22)
無名氏: (・_ゝ・)貼一篇就算了還自推好幾篇,根本不知道你到底在衝三小 (8Fu3G8CE 17/11/23 17:25)
無名氏: (・_ゝ・)每次點人外版就只是看看有沒有新的人外要素可以討論而已 (8Fu3G8CE 17/11/23 17:25)
無名氏: (・_ゝ・)一拉下來就看到這串還一直自推,根本不知道你推這串到底是想表達什麼 (8Fu3G8CE 17/11/23 17:28)
無名氏: (・_ゝ・)這裡不像綜二有[-]可以縮串,你以為別人說個無視就認定這裡的人都會無視你? (8Fu3G8CE 17/11/23 17:31)
無名氏: (・_ゝ・)好讓你繼續推文耍廚? (8Fu3G8CE 17/11/23 17:31)
無名氏: >AS0ax19M Again. 沒叫你看,北七 (GsTxzqE6 17/11/23 20:24)
無名氏: >/CsKYQJU 我在現實中很多朋友,對我好的人我就會全力報恩 (GsTxzqE6 17/11/23 20:25)
無名氏: 對我不好的,像這裡某些人,我一個都不會放過 (GsTxzqE6 17/11/23 20:26)
無名氏: 不過這裡只有我一個人,以上推文全部自演XD (GsTxzqE6 17/11/23 20:26)
無名氏: (*゚∇゚)ノシ放心,這裡對於狂刪、狂頂的人也不會放過的~ (7RBwKfYo 17/11/23 20:46)
無名氏: (゚∀゚)。o0刪了又推,推了又刪,為了吵架把文一直頂上來,也不sage... (HODd3jxs 17/11/23 21:01)
無名氏: (゚∀゚)。o0要別的對你好之前,先想想自己做了什麼吧... (HODd3jxs 17/11/23 21:02)
無名氏: …只希望別再吵起來而已,已經不保持任何期待了 (uXvBK5Fo 17/11/23 21:07)
無名氏: (´・ω・`)。o0看來有的人也忍無可忍了.... (BKMH66/g 17/11/23 21:16)
無名氏: (;゚д゚)所以…要還要繼續吵下去? (V3Puw62o 17/11/23 21:23)
無名氏: 原PO比較適合去綜合發文吧(笑) (a.jm8ENI 17/11/23 23:18)
無名氏: 最忍無可忍的絕對是我,發個故事也被亂。不過都是我一人自演想想還是算了XD (XhgxTkgo 17/11/24 08:21)
無名氏: (´,_ゝ`)<作賊喊抓賊 (codjLC7Q 17/11/24 08:25)
無名氏: 原PO個性真的很偏激欸www能在網路上被公幹也是一種成就呢 (fQGaMedE 17/11/24 10:21)
無名氏: 這邊又不是你的個人部落格, 惱羞個屁 (Qhf7IJUk 17/11/24 12:21)
(4A4/pfjs: (✪ω✪):所以其實是可以賺錢囉?用鎂結算的話 (YtISXW62 17/11/24 18:31)
無名氏: 絕對可以,但是在台灣你找得到人買才有鬼... (H3JxMeb6 17/11/25 15:37)