[綜合]無題 無名 ID:qbOA5mmI 2021/10/22(五) 20:07:54.014 No.24682496 評分:0, 年:0, 月:0, 週:0, 日:0, [+1 / -1] 最後更新:2021-10-23 07:03:26
When did K-Island meet their first white person?
I met my first Asian when I went to high school. Until then, this video was my only exposure to Asian culture
pic not related
無題 無名 ID:Lb1quqCA 2021/10/22(五) 20:11:00.181 No.24682549 幼稚園的外籍老師拿鐵盒很大力敲我的頭
無題 無名 ID:qbOA5mmI 2021/10/22(五) 20:14:08.649 No.24682583 >>24682549You probably walked into the iron box while he was holding it. Kids are stupid. Don't blame the foreigner
無題 無名 ID:7ye8lWUY 2021/10/22(五) 20:17:55.570 No.24682638 好羨慕外國都可以把起司當免費在加
無題 無名 ID:e.Fg4TXY 2021/10/22(五) 20:18:41.790 No.24682645
無題 無名 ID:qbOA5mmI 2021/10/22(五) 20:20:41.249 No.24682674 >>24682630Iron biscuit box? Do you mean one of these?
>>24682638Dairy is a culinary crutch, it cuts through and dilutes all flavours, until it is all a slightly agreeable mass of boring flavour. It would be like taking a fantastic Opera, with all the highs and lows, and reducing them all until they were all in the middle. That is what dairy does to food. There's a reason so many Westerners like Asian food, it has more complex flavours and depth.
Italian """"cuisine"""" is the biggest fucking scam on the planet.
無題 無名 ID:qbOA5mmI 2021/10/22(五) 20:25:24.630 No.24682736 >>24682707I'll hit you in the fucking head with that thing again if I ever hear you complain about this again, or call it a fucking iron biscuit box. I pictured something like this, actual iron, not flimsy fucking tin.
無題 無名 ID:qbOA5mmI 2021/10/22(五) 20:31:13.069 No.24682820
>>24682779Alright I'm sorry lets make up bro, where's that glass?