[綜合]無題 無名 ID:tW3qAMKg 2021/01/12(二) 06:56:52.166 No.21204763
回覆: >>21204769
評分:0, 年:0, 月:0, 週:0, 日:0, [+1 / -1] 最後更新:2021-01-12 18:52:16
無題 無名 ID:tW3qAMKg 2021/01/12(二) 06:59:06.885 No.21204769
無題 無名 ID:BhiWrRrs 2021/01/12(二) 07:00:51.563 No.21204772
Please describe what's ADT (Abstract data type) brief.
無題 無名 ID:tW3qAMKg 2021/01/12(二) 07:04:35.059 No.21204783
回覆: >>21204788
1. define data type and operation.
2. encapsulate both IN packaged.
無題 無名 ID:Zt/ZCdZU 2021/01/12(二) 07:05:15.599 No.21204785
While I don't know what is "ADT (Abstract data type) brief", I could explain what is ADT (Abstract data type) briefly.
無題 無名 ID:BhiWrRrs 2021/01/12(二) 07:06:46.822 No.21204788
回覆: >>21204801
無題 無名 ID:tW3qAMKg 2021/01/12(二) 07:08:57.113 No.21204794
回覆: >>21204804
Could you please tell me how to briefly introduce ADT?
無題 無名 ID:tW3qAMKg 2021/01/12(二) 07:11:31.641 No.21204801
無題 無名 ID:Zt/ZCdZU 2021/01/12(二) 07:12:11.549 No.21204804
I actually don't know, I was just correcting his grammar.
無題 無名 ID:BhiWrRrs 2021/01/12(二) 07:12:23.013 No.21204805
Could you explain the difference briefly and brief briefly?
無題 無名 ID:BhiWrRrs 2021/01/12(二) 07:13:50.795 No.21204809
挖A between 那A disappear ㄌ
無題 無名 ID:Zt/ZCdZU 2021/01/12(二) 07:20:55.616 No.21204826
回覆: >>21204850
Could you explain the difference between briefly and brief briefly?
Could you briefly explain the difference between brief and briefly?
Well, "brief" (in this case) is an adjective while briefly is an adverb.
I could change the second example from "briefly explain" to "Could you give a brief explanation of the difference[...]", too.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but from a native speaker's perspective I never actually studied when to use which one, it's all mostly just being used to it.
無題 無名 ID:bOs6JVjs 2021/01/12(二) 07:22:29.975 No.21204829
回覆: >>21204835
Just say
Smoke weed every day
無題 無名 ID:Zt/ZCdZU 2021/01/12(二) 07:25:35.898 No.21204835
回覆: >>21204845
That's probably why you don't know how to briefly explain what is ADT!
Bad student!
無題 無名 ID:tW3qAMKg 2021/01/12(二) 07:30:31.138 No.21204845
回覆: >>21204851
The exam is almost finished. Wish me a happy weedend?
無題 無名 ID:BhiWrRrs 2021/01/12(二) 07:31:51.997 No.21204850
回覆: >>21204884
thank for guide and example.
when I typing or speaking English always have some grammar mistake or use wrong words.
have any method to solve this problem?
無題 無名 ID:Zt/ZCdZU 2021/01/12(二) 07:32:42.409 No.21204851
Get out of my class, you pothead!
無題 無名 ID:Zt/ZCdZU 2021/01/12(二) 07:41:59.592 No.21204884
回覆: >>21204963
>thank for guide and example.
>Thanks the explanation and the examples.
Don't worry, you guys always help me when I type in Chinese, too. I like being able to give back to you guys. If you ever see me goofing around here, don't be afraid to ask more questions!
>when I typing or speaking English always have some grammar mistake or use wrong words.
When I type or speak in English I always make grammar mistakes or use/pick/choose the wrong words.
>have any method to solve this problem?
>is there any method to solve/fix this problem?
>do you have any method to solve/fix this problem?
If there is a kind of sentence structure that you feel troubles you the most, I recommend you to go read about it a little.
For most other problems, they'll fix themselves with enough exposure to English once your level is good enough, which I think it might be. You are able to understand what I type and express yourself without ambiguity, though grammar mistakes are often present.
無題 無名 ID:BhiWrRrs 2021/01/12(二) 08:01:43.137 No.21204963
回覆: >>21205137
我很常看到巴西島民喔 雖然能夠讀懂你的意思但不清楚怎麼說所以用中文來回你 謝謝你的建議我會嘗試看看
我是日文系的學生所以想要學習正確的文法 平時英文的練習基本上是和外國朋友聊ACG相關的話題 但或許是因為彼此的母語都不是英文所以不太會有糾正文法的機會 之後有看到巴西島民問有關中文的問題我也會幫助你的
無題 無名 ID:Zt/ZCdZU 2021/01/12(二) 08:37:06.736 No.21205137
回覆: >>21205368
I assumed you already had a place or someone to practice your English with. I'm sure you already know reddit and 4chan, but I want to warn you. They are all absolute retards and the reddit upvote system is a train wreck. 島民常常會相信4chan和reddit的人說什麼,但是他們都是智障
The good thing about imageboards is how convenient they are. You can interact with other people at any time about many different topics, and they also provide a lot of content for you to read.
Due to your timezone, I imagine that it would be really hard for you to talk to friends in America, just like it's hard for me to talk to people from Taiwan due to how far away our timezones are.
If you're not afraid of "the deepweb", I'd recommend you nanochan. You can find it on Google and it's just like any other imageboard. Though they are on onion, they ban all the illegal crap just like everyone else.
I don't know how good your listening is, but I'll recommend a few youtube channels I watch anyway.
>Demoranch, about guns, more about fun.
>a repair shop owner shares his opinions and how he repairs certain things
>basically a relatable guy that will talk for a long time with a normal voice and not much nonsense
>usually talks about politics, economy and the industries he's involved in
>retired police officer, reviews shootings and current events
>police interviews
>videos are long but the owner of the channel analyses what is happening and cuts out the parts that aren't relevant

If you could recommend me some from taiwan, I'd be really grateful. Could be taiwanese manga and anime too.
無題 無名 ID:yeBtGyOo 2021/01/12(二) 08:40:47.995 No.21205159
當年2修75分飄過 現在回頭看根本是天書OTZ
無題 無名 ID:BhiWrRrs 2021/01/12(二) 09:19:52.020 No.21205368
巴西島民推薦的影片跟討論區我回家再看 先謝謝你

>If you could recommend me some from taiwan, I'd be really grateful. Could be taiwanese manga and anime too.

台灣漫畫或動畫比較少 如果不侷限在其中的話我會推薦下面我常看的頻道或是當PTT外來種
>關於生物的頻道 會介紹台灣一些生物館

無題 無名 ID:Zt/ZCdZU 2021/01/12(二) 10:12:21.872 No.21205682
Actually, I've given donations to a few of them many times already...

無題 無名 ID:RfAuuf2E 2021/01/12(二) 10:16:45.096 No.21205713
靠杯XD 整串我看得這麼認真