I assumed you already had a place or someone to practice your English with. I'm sure you already know reddit and 4chan, but I want to warn you. They are all absolute retards and the reddit upvote system is a train wreck. 島民常常會相信4chan和reddit的人說什麼,但是他們都是智障
The good thing about imageboards is how convenient they are. You can interact with other people at any time about many different topics, and they also provide a lot of content for you to read.
Due to your timezone, I imagine that it would be really hard for you to talk to friends in America, just like it's hard for me to talk to people from Taiwan due to how far away our timezones are.
If you're not afraid of "the deepweb", I'd recommend you nanochan. You can find it on Google and it's just like any other imageboard. Though they are on onion, they ban all the illegal crap just like everyone else.
I don't know how good your listening is, but I'll recommend a few youtube channels I watch anyway.
>Demoranch, about guns, more about fun.
>a repair shop owner shares his opinions and how he repairs certain things
>basically a relatable guy that will talk for a long time with a normal voice and not much nonsense
>usually talks about politics, economy and the industries he's involved in
>retired police officer, reviews shootings and current events
>police interviews
>videos are long but the owner of the channel analyses what is happening and cuts out the parts that aren't relevant
If you could recommend me some from taiwan, I'd be really grateful. Could be taiwanese manga and anime too.