[綜合]無題 無名 ID:xLqJb3t6 2020/04/03(五) 22:20:48.456 No.18047454 評分:0, 年:0, 月:0, 週:0, 日:0, [+1 / -1] 最後更新:2020-04-03 08:50:44
I wish my parents had me in Taiwan, not America.
I go back to Taiwan every year and start feeling happy the second my flight lands at Taoyuan International.
When I'm in the US I just feel depressed and sad.
I can't even read or write Chinese because I cried when my parents tried to teach me as a kid so they gave up.
無題 無名 ID:Ukhcrjww 2020/04/03(五) 22:21:23.774 No.18047461 Wǒ xīwàng wǒ de fùmǔ zài táiwān ér bùshì měiguó yǒu wǒ.
Měinián wǒ huí dào táiwān, dì èr cì fēi wǎng táoyuán guójì jīchǎng, jiù kāishǐ gǎndào gāoxìng.
Dāng wǒ zài měiguó shí, wǒ zhǐ huì gǎndào jǔsàng hé bēishāng.
Wǒ shén zhì wúfǎ dú huò xiě zhōngwén, yīnwèi dāng wǒ de fùmǔ xiǎng jiào wǒ yīgè háizi de shíhòu wǒ kūle, tāmen fàngqìle
無題 無名 ID:.aRW81hg 2020/04/03(五) 22:22:04.638 No.18047469 無題 無名 ID:xLqJb3t6 2020/04/03(五) 22:29:47.718 No.18047533 無題 無名 ID:6.MPmYck 2020/04/03(五) 22:33:39.751 No.18047566 We're waiting!
無題 無名 ID:gomH5haU 2020/04/03(五) 22:35:01.210 No.18047578 無題 無名 ID:g8JE8Gg2 2020/04/03(五) 22:35:32.911 No.18047587 Why don't you stay in Taiwan?
無題 無名 ID:2ozCwmvg 2020/04/03(五) 22:35:42.489 No.18047590
無題 無名 ID:7DSi6PIY 2020/04/03(五) 22:36:48.954 No.18047597 日本語でおk?
無題 無名 ID:oF00Dm5M 2020/04/03(五) 22:37:15.553 No.18047601 Taiwan is just a fucking third world country,
you can't find any reason to stay here after the epidemic
無題 無名 ID:xLqJb3t6 2020/04/03(五) 22:37:22.433 No.18047602 >>18047566if I kill myself I wouldn't be able to go to Taiwan anymore...
>>18047578no, my mom couldn't stand the thought of having her firstborn son mutilated
>>18047587I don't have Taiwan citzenship because I was born in the US...
無題 無名 ID:xLqJb3t6 2020/04/03(五) 22:42:40.629 No.18047633
>>18047601Taiwan is not a third world country. Taiwan is the only country in the world that handled Chinese flu properly...
>>18047597I want to learn Japanese but I can't even read Chinese.
無題 無名 ID:P2Uh1jDw 2020/04/03(五) 22:42:42.728 No.18047636 無題 無名 ID:g8JE8Gg2 2020/04/03(五) 22:47:57.280 No.18047673 >>18047602If one of your parents has Taiwan citizenship, you have Taiwan citizenship.
無題 無名 ID:xLqJb3t6 2020/04/03(五) 22:51:45.047 No.18047699 >>18047636no
>>18047673I asked my mom about me applying for TW citizenship and she said that I'd have to do military service so she wouldn't help me (won't give me her citizenship info)
無題 無名 ID:jVAM2ssQ 2020/04/03(五) 22:52:32.538 No.18047702 在公沙小= =
我還以為我登到4C了= =
無題 無名 ID:.aRW81hg 2020/04/03(五) 22:55:09.041 No.18047720 >>18047699>I'd have to do military service so she wouldn't help me (won't give me her citizenship info)
lol, no you won't
there's lots of ways to avoid that, especially you are dual nationality
無題 無名 ID:aM3eC5ps 2020/04/03(五) 22:55:11.392 No.18047721 >>18047454Literally nothing is keeping you from learning Chinese. And if we're being honest, finding a job without Chinese is possible, especially if you're willing to teach.
So stop being a huge faggot and take action.
無題 無名 ID:nONVG8dY 2020/04/03(五) 22:55:37.200 No.18047723
無題 無名 ID:JC3kWsnw 2020/04/03(五) 22:56:23.561 No.18047728 >>18047699Oh! So ur just a fucking guy.
Okay get away.
無題 無名 ID:ptdrfI1U 2020/04/03(五) 22:56:50.288 No.18047733 無題 無名 ID:xLqJb3t6 2020/04/03(五) 23:00:10.724 No.18047751 >>18047720I remember reading on the TW Embassy website that US dual citizen doesn't exempt you from military service
>>18047721Chinese is hard though... I don't think I'd be a good teacher cause I have little patience.
無題 無名 ID:oHd6J1x6 2020/04/03(五) 23:03:42.309 No.18047772 外來種滾!
無題 無名 ID:jMTEWxaA 2020/04/03(五) 23:04:50.760 No.18047776 無題 無名 ID:7Ga//O3I 2020/04/03(五) 23:05:05.413 No.18047779
無題 無名 ID:eIP8NxsQ 2020/04/03(五) 23:05:26.693 No.18047783 真的覺得周子瑜很醜.........
無題 無名 ID:aIuOlOxE 2020/04/03(五) 23:06:15.941 No.18047791
無題 無名 ID:NVMo/OZU 2020/04/03(五) 23:06:22.397 No.18047794 無題 無名 ID:xLqJb3t6 2020/04/03(五) 23:07:38.537 No.18047804 無題 無名 ID:fo32aNIE 2020/04/03(五) 23:08:04.646 No.18047809 >>18047454would you post your passport or ID with timestamp to back up your claims?
無題 無名 ID:V6IJCF76 2020/04/03(五) 23:08:11.164 No.18047811 無題 無名 ID:.aRW81hg 2020/04/03(五) 23:08:25.065 No.18047813 >>18047751>I remember reading on the TW Embassy website that US dual citizen doesn't exempt you from military service
yep, but that doesn't mean you can't trick it.
for example, find some relative who works in authorities. spend some money or let them fuck you i don't care.
all you have to do is let the military knows that you aren't capable to do the job. it's not that hard for a local grown taiwanese, and it's way more easy for a man like you who is a us citizen and a taiwanese too.
無題 無名 ID:eIP8NxsQ 2020/04/03(五) 23:09:01.688 No.18047818 >>18047804我不是GAY
好吧 可能不醜 是還可以
之前還登上甚麼百大 真的是見鬼
無題 無名 ID:9vVXTUJo 2020/04/03(五) 23:09:02.049 No.18047819
無題 無名 ID:xLqJb3t6 2020/04/03(五) 23:18:26.457 No.18047912 >>18047809ok
>>18047811I assume hun xie means hapa
I am not a hapa, both my parents are Han Chinese Taiwanese
>>18047813I don't have any family in TW government. Also I wouldn't want to risk being banned from Taiwan for lying to the government...
>>18047818If you think Tzuyu is ugly you are either blind or a homo.
無題 無名 ID:eIP8NxsQ 2020/04/03(五) 23:19:52.870 No.18047926 >>18047912真奇怪 說她醜就是同性戀或眼睛瞎了
我就覺得她醜 新垣結衣正怎樣?
無題 無名 ID:fo32aNIE 2020/04/03(五) 23:21:36.253 No.18047948
alright, you can stay, hope you have a good time here
無題 無名 ID:xLqJb3t6 2020/04/03(五) 23:22:09.281 No.18047954 >>18047926There are objectively beautiful girls in this world and Tzuyu is one of them.
I should correct myself: If you think Tzuyu is ugly, you are either homo, blind, or jealous.
無題 無名 ID:BHpolOIc 2020/04/03(五) 23:22:57.275 No.18047962
無題 無名 ID:c3ihYDz. 2020/04/03(五) 23:25:27.020 No.18047984 無本文
無題 無名 ID:eIP8NxsQ 2020/04/03(五) 23:27:36.997 No.18048003 >>18047954等漂亮可以量話的時候
我再說一次 美不美不是你定義的
無題 無名 ID:1hjgyjYE 2020/04/03(五) 23:28:40.259 No.18048010
無題 無名 ID:8SQIhy.M 2020/04/03(五) 23:30:56.804 No.18048032 無題 無名 ID:mgxk78KA 2020/04/03(五) 23:32:10.028 No.18048048
無題 無名 ID:xLqJb3t6 2020/04/03(五) 23:32:33.697 No.18048054
>>18048003ni shi bu shi yi bai kg de niu shen?
I don't think any straight male will find Tzuyu ugly...
(I don't know pinyin I am just sounding out the Chinese words in my head and attempting to write it out)
無題 無名 ID:fo32aNIE 2020/04/03(五) 23:32:35.905 No.18048055
但應該會被洗滿coofer meme
無題 無名 ID:CdCXZVvs 2020/04/03(五) 23:32:36.204 No.18048056
評價是本人有種高貴的氣質 是這種年紀的女生很難得有的
KPOP圈內偶像時常因為工作見面 評價比精障島民可信度高多了
無題 無名 ID:wXxG82Kc 2020/04/03(五) 23:33:42.282 No.18048065 We have to learn English. Why don't you try to learn the Chinese? Language is not drop from the sky. If you are not willing to learn their local language, please give-up your stupid daydream.
無題 無名 ID:g8JE8Gg2 2020/04/03(五) 23:35:48.693 No.18048084
>>18047751If you are born after January 1, 1994, you only need to receive four months of military training. Otherwise, you have to serve alternative service (working in government) for a year.
無題 無名 ID:xLqJb3t6 2020/04/03(五) 23:36:42.166 No.18048093 >>18048065I can speak and understand Chinese fine, I just cannot read or write. Mom/dad/grandma/grandpa all spoke Chinese while I was growing up so I (thankfully) don't have western accent when speaking Chinese.
無題 無名 ID:m0FfT.H6 2020/04/03(五) 23:38:08.969 No.18048102 無題 無名 ID:CdCXZVvs 2020/04/03(五) 23:40:58.164 No.18048128
而且我認為黃狗事件對她影響很大 是剛好造成她氣質出眾的原因之一
無題 無名 ID:eIP8NxsQ 2020/04/03(五) 23:41:15.610 No.18048135 無題 無名 ID:jRXW/YCg 2020/04/03(五) 23:41:58.572 No.18048145
無題 無名 ID:jMTEWxaA 2020/04/03(五) 23:42:50.117 No.18048150 無題 無名 ID:kAhPKz72 2020/04/03(五) 23:42:59.847 No.18048152 雖然想聊些什麼 但我英文有夠爛
無題 無名 ID:xLqJb3t6 2020/04/03(五) 23:43:08.941 No.18048153
>>18048135I copy your post to Google translate and have it converted to speech
無題 無名 ID:Tq1V4U2c 2020/04/03(五) 23:44:01.418 No.18048160
無題 無名 ID:m0FfT.H6 2020/04/03(五) 23:44:11.838 No.18048163 無題 無名 ID:tExXZXJ2 2020/04/03(五) 23:45:07.666 No.18048171 無題 無名 ID:eIP8NxsQ 2020/04/03(五) 23:46:14.393 No.18048183 無題 無名 ID:6.MPmYck 2020/04/03(五) 23:49:34.210 No.18048208 無題 無名 ID:g8JE8Gg2 2020/04/03(五) 23:50:38.511 No.18048213
無題 無名 ID:eIP8NxsQ 2020/04/03(五) 23:51:05.404 No.18048216 無題 無名 ID:7Sl.ZprA 2020/04/03(五) 23:51:45.797 No.18048224
無題 無名 ID:7Sl.ZprA 2020/04/03(五) 23:52:16.146 No.18048229 無題 無名 ID:xLqJb3t6 2020/04/03(五) 23:53:10.931 No.18048238
>>18048171My English should be (near) perfect but I didn't major in English.
From my various trips to Taiwan, I saw that a lot of English afterschools/tutoring centers are straight up teaching poor English.
Every time I go to Taipei Zoo I see a laowai leading a bunch of Taiwanese students and teaching them English. I still haven't seen a single one teach good English, they're all teaching you guys shitty English.
無題 無名 ID:eIP8NxsQ 2020/04/03(五) 23:53:12.926 No.18048239
無題 無名 ID:aR3PgEYM 2020/04/04(六) 00:06:28.866 No.18048370