[綜合]無題 無名 ID:2qAIyvp6 2020/02/05(三) 23:46:10.028 No.17486783 評分:0, 年:0, 月:0, 週:0, 日:0, [+1 / -1] 最後更新:2020-02-06 13:06:08
Why do I find this so erotic?
無題 無名 ID:y.nFrzbo 2020/02/05(三) 23:48:41.365 No.17486811 因為閣下是精銳肥宅島民?
無題 無名 ID:2qAIyvp6 2020/02/05(三) 23:51:59.692 No.17486848
>>17486811I'm not sure who my leader is anymore, it changes so often
無題 無名 ID:QRxl4bU6 2020/02/05(三) 23:53:54.673 No.17486867
無題 無名 ID:V2vQW6iE 2020/02/06(四) 00:01:59.505 No.17486978 這酒是多濃?
無題 無名 ID:NwL0A/SY 2020/02/06(四) 00:05:31.213 No.17487033
嘔嘔嘔 嘔嘔嘔嘔
無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 00:09:14.827 No.17487093 >>17486978I think it is hard liquor, I've never seen anyone take shots of wine.
無題 無名 ID:PJjXSvJ6 2020/02/06(四) 00:11:03.269 No.17487115
makes you want to facefuck
無題 無名 ID:0bSOtwj. 2020/02/06(四) 00:11:07.840 No.17487118 我只覺得我看了也快吐了
無題 無名 ID:1/8ciHYg 2020/02/06(四) 00:12:40.053 No.17487133
>>17487093We use the same word for liquor and wine in chinese.
無題 無名 ID:PJjXSvJ6 2020/02/06(四) 00:13:51.828 No.17487147
無題 無名 ID:PD.WetpU 2020/02/06(四) 00:13:58.960 No.17487149
無題 無名 ID:mA4ZVcLU 2020/02/06(四) 00:16:07.099 No.17487173 最近大概這個時間多了個英文狗
無題 無名 ID:j7u9u8lw 2020/02/06(四) 00:17:13.291 No.17487185 無題 無名 ID:oDleYtf. 2020/02/06(四) 00:17:45.597 No.17487191 無題 無名 ID:Wies0p6Q 2020/02/06(四) 00:18:16.793 No.17487197
無題 無名 ID:KoR5NcNg 2020/02/06(四) 00:18:39.483 No.17487202
無題 無名 ID:DklZ1KW6 2020/02/06(四) 00:19:53.465 No.17487210
無題 無名 ID:Wies0p6Q 2020/02/06(四) 00:19:54.952 No.17487211 無題 無名 ID:j7u9u8lw 2020/02/06(四) 00:22:17.230 No.17487244
無題 無名 ID:GqFcJv1o 2020/02/06(四) 00:24:53.503 No.17487276 感覺是俄國佬之類的= =?
無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 00:40:13.038 No.17487452 >>17487185I figure not everyone can read English well enough to understand my posts, so maybe with the Google Translate more people can understand, I will help you with English if you want though
>>17487276A lot of European pornstars and prostitutes come from ex-Yugoslav countries and ex-USSR countries, so maybe
無題 無名 ID:mbrhtPnw 2020/02/06(四) 00:43:29.359 No.17487485
無題 無名 ID:deEq3BMo 2020/02/06(四) 00:45:33.116 No.17487504 無題 無名 ID:eXE8YZT. 2020/02/06(四) 00:49:54.299 No.17487554 >>17487452dude, why are you even here lol? no offense though.
無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 00:53:09.829 No.17487584 >>17487554Have you been on 4chan? At least this place is something new lol
>>17487504 無題 無名 ID:EECSFo6I 2020/02/06(四) 00:53:29.882 No.17487587 >>17487452為什麼你們對日耳曼人、斯拉夫人的審美觀這麼一致
無題 無名 ID:j7u9u8lw 2020/02/06(四) 00:53:55.653 No.17487593
無題 無名 ID:DklZ1KW6 2020/02/06(四) 00:58:29.811 No.17487638 >>17487584よし、じゃあブチ込んでやるぜ
OK, then I'll do it for you
無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 00:59:52.712 No.17487653 >>17487587>Why do you agree so much with the Germans and Slavs
But so weird to asian? Is it some kind of sexuality?
I don't mind Asian bitches if that's what you mean? They always too skinny though, no ass. Also I can't remember seeing any Asian girls do anal
>>17487554Oh yeah I just remembered the main reason I came here in the first place, to talk shit about the Coronavirus lmao
無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 01:02:01.905 No.17487675 >>17487638あなたは私に何でもしたいことができます、私は今夜あなたのガールフレンドになります
無題 無名 ID:j7u9u8lw 2020/02/06(四) 01:04:37.845 No.17487702 無題 無名 ID:VZ3DfFxE 2020/02/06(四) 01:05:03.075 No.17487706 Anon你走錯了
我們是台灣 不是中國
無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 01:05:59.681 No.17487714 無題 無名 ID:2WkFx3fM 2020/02/06(四) 01:07:15.851 No.17487726 三小啦
無題 無名 ID:jdrGe0ao 2020/02/06(四) 01:08:05.527 No.17487737 無題 無名 ID:eXE8YZT. 2020/02/06(四) 01:10:29.025 No.17487759 >>17487653okay cool. just remember do ANYTHING exactly opposite what Chinese government says. then your country will be fine. also which nation are you from? just curious.
無題 無名 ID:DklZ1KW6 2020/02/06(四) 01:10:59.308 No.17487767 無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 01:12:19.392 No.17487783 >>17487726I am 4chan refugee, I seek refuge from all their homosexuality, it is too gay even for me.
No but I shave my head, I am a man and not concerned with fashion, women are attracted to every other aspect of me
Instant noodles with beef brisket and vegetables
My Steam most played, but I do have Nintendo from when I was young
Only against homos
無題 無名 ID:EECSFo6I 2020/02/06(四) 01:14:19.049 No.17487803 >>17487653No.I mean like the pic attached
>she looks like a Girl with Down syndrome
無題 無名 ID:DklZ1KW6 2020/02/06(四) 01:15:45.267 No.17487818
無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 01:18:37.754 No.17487852 >>17487759Australia, it is too late for my country. They sold a very big farm to a Chinese textile manufacturer to grow cotton in Australia which is a very very stupid idea, cotton uses too much water. There are also idiots growing rice in Australia with our limited water.
>>17487767お兄ちゃん、今夜は彼女が欲しくない~? uWu~~~
無題 無名 ID:4n1q6Pkc 2020/02/06(四) 01:20:17.758 No.17487867 4ch難民?被封鎖嗎還是又是精障來亂......
無題 無名 ID:EVcWnXNY 2020/02/06(四) 01:21:20.891 No.17487880 >>17487783>I am 4chan refugee, I seek refuge from all their homosexuality, it is too gay even for me.
你知道這邊也很多gay在亂嗎 只是你還沒見識到而已
無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 01:21:45.811 No.17487885 >>17487803You mean why are white people attracted to ugly Asians? Very simple. As a white, you live in a white country, you look at white faces all day. You begin to notice all the sub-millimeter differences in facial features, eg, distance between eyes, angle of eyes, shape of nose/mouth, etc, all the little things. When a white person see's an Asian they don't notice these things because they do not have the experience, they all look fairly similar. That's why you see white guys with ugly Asian girls
無題 無名 ID:DklZ1KW6 2020/02/06(四) 01:22:27.161 No.17487892 無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 01:24:22.347 No.17487914
>>174878674chan has been reported on by media for a long time, it has gained exposure, as a result many fucking retards have come along, it has changed dramatically over the last 6-7 years, it is now too much for me.
>>17487880Not as gay as 4chan. You scroll down the Political board and half the threads are gay porn or interracial porn or some other bullshit that is not related at all. You go to the random (/b/) board and it is ALL gay porn. 4chan is turning gay.
不像4chan那樣的同性戀。向下滾動到政治委員會,一半的話題是同性戀色情片,異族色情片或其他完全無關的廢話。您進入隨機(/ b /)董事會,而且所有同性戀都是色情片。 4chan變成了同性戀。
無題 無名 ID:eXE8YZT. 2020/02/06(四) 01:25:11.385 No.17487924 >>17487852shame bro, aussie banter are the best. We all pay the price for trading with the devil.(China) Wish you also survived the embrace of Corona Chan.
無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 01:26:17.771 No.17487937
無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 01:28:42.525 No.17487962 >>17487924Soon China is going to pay the price, Xi will lose "mandate with heaven" or whatever stupid shit they believe in. Economic impact too big, 150m Chinese locked down, GG China
無題 無名 ID:mA4ZVcLU 2020/02/06(四) 01:29:59.814 No.17487977 雖然我不是同性戀
無題 無名 ID:eXE8YZT. 2020/02/06(四) 01:31:01.603 No.17487990
>>17487962Nuke China. the time has come. and so have I.
無題 無名 ID:ebfkSkjI 2020/02/06(四) 01:31:02.009 No.17487991 我是同性戀
無題 無名 ID:wh1qFzMs 2020/02/06(四) 01:33:26.759 No.17488019 Haha! you must be mad about BBC or cockhold things on 4chan.
無題 無名 ID:DXU9DVsY 2020/02/06(四) 01:34:59.830 No.17488035 >> 4chan變成了同性戀
無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 01:35:03.016 No.17488036 >>17487977I am not a homosexual, cao ni ma sha bi!!!!!!!
無題 無名 ID:i8HhofQc 2020/02/06(四) 01:37:00.449 No.17488051
無題 無名 ID:qS/uCHwg 2020/02/06(四) 01:38:05.447 No.17488062
無題 無名 ID:mA4ZVcLU 2020/02/06(四) 01:39:06.327 No.17488066 無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 01:41:40.720 No.17488088
>>17488019I don't care if white girls want to fuck black people, I don't like that it is in the wrong area, cuckold porn or gay porn etc do not belong on political boards, video game boards, cooking boards, etc. Many people think it is left wingers trying to make the political board unusable because that is where a lot of things are organised for us
Moderators not doing their jobs, deleting fun threads, leaving up homosexual threads, why do you think all of 4chan hate janitors, moderators and admins?
無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 01:43:39.960 No.17488105
>>17488066As long as you understand I am not a faggot I am okay
無題 無名 ID:q38cLBl6 2020/02/06(四) 01:45:26.446 No.17488116 為什麼台灣被4chan給range ban了?
無題 無名 ID:EECSFo6I 2020/02/06(四) 01:46:07.603 No.17488127 無題 無名 ID:eXE8YZT. 2020/02/06(四) 01:48:06.476 No.17488135
無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 01:49:31.837 No.17488144 >>17488116When did you last post? 4chan was sold in 2015 to Hiroyuki Nishimura (Hiroshima Nagasaki as we call him), then founder of 2Channel. He is Jewish in nature, grabbing every cent he can. He wants you to buy 4chan pass, I am also range banned constantly. Only about 3 months in the year I can post generally, his Jewish tactic to get more money.
您上次發佈時間是什麼時候? 4chan於2015年被出售給當時2Channel創始人的西村博之(Hiroshima Nagasaki)。他本質上是猶太人,竭盡所能。他要您購買4chan通行證,我也在不斷被禁範圍。在一年中,我一般只能發布大約3個月的他的猶太策略以賺更多的錢。
>>17488127Same reason white people think Asians have shit taste in white girls tbh, it goes both ways.
無題 無名 ID:Xvj.q.AI 2020/02/06(四) 01:54:12.857 No.17488168 >>17488144https://luna.komica.org/23/pixmicat.php?res=539448
你是之前在GIF版分享的4chan無名嗎? 感謝你分享的短片
無題 無名 ID:wh1qFzMs 2020/02/06(四) 01:55:57.470 No.17488177 is it true that it's okay to post any pedophiles porn things on 4chan? because mods don't care about that according to you statement.
無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 01:55:57.940 No.17488178 >>17488168It was a convenient place to organise my files lol, no problem
無題 無名 ID:uy2ams9A 2020/02/06(四) 01:56:47.529 No.17488184 無題 無名 ID:uy2ams9A 2020/02/06(四) 01:57:26.840 No.17488191 無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 01:58:03.900 No.17488196
>>17488177No it is very illegal, you will be reported to your local police if you do, that's one thing the moderators take seriously. The only thing these moderators have in life is the power they have on 4chan, if they let pedophile content through they would lose that power, they are very sad people.
無題 無名 ID:VLeXx1P2 2020/02/06(四) 01:59:38.606 No.17488198
Cobalt is primarily used in lithium-ion batteries, and in the manufacture of magnetic, wear-resistant and high-strength alloys
無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 02:00:13.490 No.17488204 >>17488191I know all the Chinese I need to know. Cao ni ma, sha bi, xie xie. Chinese seems very difficult to learn, thousands of characters, I wouldn't know where to start, but it would be a useful language to know.
>>17488184 無題 無名 ID:q38cLBl6 2020/02/06(四) 02:00:44.801 No.17488208 無題 無名 ID:BZeyEp26 2020/02/06(四) 02:03:26.831 No.17488215 無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 02:04:26.622 No.17488218 >>17488208I get the exact same message, it isn't just because you are in Taiwan, it is just Hiroshima Nagasaki trying to make money off his bad investment.
/g/, /v/, /ck/, /int/, I visit /pol/ for news
無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 02:04:57.416 No.17488222 無題 無名 ID:mA4ZVcLU 2020/02/06(四) 02:05:53.547 No.17488231 無題 無名 ID:Xvj.q.AI 2020/02/06(四) 02:07:07.671 No.17488235 無題 無名 ID:mbrhtPnw 2020/02/06(四) 02:07:14.660 No.17488237
無題 無名 ID:9XrDQCiY 2020/02/06(四) 02:07:42.009 No.17488240 >>17488204You need some chinese exorcism spell like 六四天安门
Pasting this prevent you from evils
無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 02:09:32.142 No.17488247
>>17488235I do not visit 8kun, anything that is worthwhile will be posted on 4chan, 8kun is full of even bigger retards than 4chan honestly
無題 無名 ID:EECSFo6I 2020/02/06(四) 02:09:46.965 No.17488251 >>17488144I'm not sure...At least I don't think Asians have made a movie like "splice".
>Using white genes to make life.(The yellow race is a white branch at the genetic level)
>he Eats raw meat, kill cats.
>Weird features
無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 02:11:01.411 No.17488259
>>17488240动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Anytime I feel I am talking to CCP I send this just in case
無題 無名 ID:wh1qFzMs 2020/02/06(四) 02:11:51.279 No.17488265 Ausii anon, how is the bushfires there now? and how do Australians think of taiwanese? the reputations of us is good or not? thanks
無題 無名 ID:wh1qFzMs 2020/02/06(四) 02:15:13.958 No.17488282 there are lots of asian whores in Australia? right? I mean the prostitute. are taiwanese girls involved too?
無題 無名 ID:eXE8YZT. 2020/02/06(四) 02:17:26.547 No.17488293
I see you're also a man of culture.
無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 02:18:51.192 No.17488300
>>17488251I have never heard of this movie, looks very strange. This was made by only one director though, one stupid director
Bushfires are not too bad, only our capital city is affected really, which isn't a problem
Taiwan never really comes up in Australian media, anyone that keeps up with global events will think of Taiwan as mini democratic China most likely. The reputation of Taiwan is better than the reputation of China at least. That and most Australians are bad with geography, I suspect a few would confuse Taiwan with Thailand
無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 02:20:31.061 No.17488311 >>17488282Yes there are, I knew a guy that started dating a Chinese girl that worked in a massage parlour... he is still with her years later... I don't know why. I can't say if Taiwanese girls are involved, but I know there are South East Asian girls involved.
無題 無名 ID:wh1qFzMs 2020/02/06(四) 02:21:58.172 No.17488316 無題 無名 ID:Xvj.q.AI 2020/02/06(四) 02:22:56.366 No.17488322 無題 無名 ID:.R8GQbZY 2020/02/06(四) 02:25:14.258 No.17488333
無題 無名 ID:wh1qFzMs 2020/02/06(四) 02:25:23.252 No.17488334 Can I ask you that what would you react if your daughter get an asian boyfriend? I think you're caucasian, right?
無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 02:25:31.039 No.17488336
>>17488316>>17488322If they are anything like the Chinese, they speak to no one but each other. Maybe they install Tinder on their phone and fuck some random people. White girls do the same though, when you see white girls in Taiwan they're doing the exact same shit. When girls go travelling, it is to be a whore somewhere where they have no reputation and no one knows them, they come home and are still "innocent"
無題 無名 ID:emp3CmNg 2020/02/06(四) 02:27:32.193 No.17488341
>>17488334Wouldn't care, only thing you see in Western media is Asian men hitting their wives/girlfriends a lot for very very minor reasons, if that were to happen you would become my girlfriend and I will hit you for minor reasons lol